As I look back on what I've been doing or should I say, the lack there of lately, I am beginning to feel like I'm finally catching up with myself. Moving away has been good to me. I am finding time to do the things I like to do, but never made time for. Funny how nature brings you back to reality.
I have been throwing quite a bit lately. I have turned the breezeway into a pottery studio. And since D has created quite the workshop in our enormous garage and needed my workbench, he made me a new one for the studio. And it is already filled with pots, a plaster, glazes, tools, etc. Oh, and I found out I really can throw. I just need to use more clay if I want bigger pots! Hmmm.
Books I've been reading:
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
The Practical Potter by Josie Warshaw
Among Wild Horses by Lynne Pomeranz